VISION IAS PT 365 Economy Prelims 2025 PDF
Friday, January 17, 2025
VISION IAS PT 365 Economy Prelims 2025 PDF
Thursday, January 09, 2025
Vision IAS PT365 Polity 2025 PDF DOWNLOAD
Right to Information Act
Why is the Right to Information Act under threat?
- Nearly two decades after its enactment, governments remain uncomfortable with the transparency and empowerment the Right to Information (RTI) Act brings.
- Efforts to weaken the law include:
- Amendments to dilute its efficacy.
- Delays or denials of requested information.
- Undermining the functioning of Information Commissions by leaving vacancies unfilled.
What is the current status of Information Commissions in India?
The Supreme Court noted significant vacancies in both central and State Information Commissions:
- Eight vacancies exist in the Central Information Commission (CIC), with 23,000 appeals pending.
- Some State-level Information Commissions are nearly defunct due to a lack of members to handle cases.
Why are Information Commissions important?
These commissions handle appeals from the public when:
- Access to information is denied.
- No response is received from designated information officers.
What concerns has the Supreme Court raised?
- The Court questioned how the RTI framework can function effectively without adequate personnel.
- It highlighted the urgent need to address vacancies to ensure the RTI Act’s purpose is fulfilled.
What steps has the Supreme Court mandated?
- Directed the Department of Personnel and Training to:
- Provide timelines within two weeks for completing the appointment process for CIC vacancies.
- Share details of the search committee and applicants for the posts.
- States were instructed to complete their appointment processes within a fixed timeframe.
What additional challenges hinder the RTI framework?
- Non-compliance with the 2019 Supreme Court verdict:
- Governments were instructed to proactively fill vacancies by advertising early.
- Autonomy of the CIC undermined:
- A fixed five-year tenure for Information Commissioners was replaced with an open-ended tenure.
- Limited diversity in appointments:
- Preference for retired civil servants over candidates from varied backgrounds, as noted by the Supreme Court.
What are the consequences of vacancies and delays?
- A large backlog of cases discourages people from filing appeals or seeking information.
- This aligns with suspicions that those in power deliberately undermine the RTI framework to reduce accountability.
What needs to be done to restore the RTI Act’s efficacy?
Tuesday, January 07, 2025
National Anthem Controversy in Tamil Nadu
Context: The article discusses a controversy surrounding the Tamil Nadu Governor R.N. Ravi’s decision to leave the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly without delivering his customary address. The Governor’s departure was in protest against the absence of the National Anthem being played before his scheduled address, a practice he deemed essential.
What is the usual practice in the Tamil Nadu Assembly regarding the National Anthem? What is the practice in other States?
- State Anthem First: The session begins with the playing of the State anthem, Tamil Thai Vaazhthu.
- National Anthem Last: The National Anthem is played after the Governor’s address.
- This practice has been followed since July 1991, introduced during the AIADMK government led by Jayalalithaa. Before this, Governors would deliver their address without any anthems.
- Practices vary widely:
- Nagaland: The National Anthem was not played in the Assembly for decades and was introduced only in February 2021 during R.N. Ravi’s tenure as Governor.
- Tripura: The National Anthem was played for the first time in the Assembly in March 2018.
- Other States: Some Assemblies do not follow a strict protocol for playing the National Anthem.
What happens during the President’s address in Parliament?
- Before the Address: The National Anthem is played when the President reaches the dais.
- During the Address: The President reads the printed address, followed by another version if necessary, read by the Rajya Sabha Chairman.
- After the Address: The National Anthem is played again before the President leaves the hall.
What does the Constitution of India say about respecting the National Anthem?
Article 51(A)(a), under fundamental duties, mandates every citizen to abide by the Constitution and respect the National Anthem, National Flag, and other national symbols.
What does the Ministry of Home Affairs’ order specify about playing the National Anthem?
The National Anthem must be played in full on the following occasions:
- During civil and military investitures.
- When a national salute is given to the President or Governor.
- During parades, hoisting of the National Flag, or regimental colour presentations.
- Upon the President’s arrival or departure from formal State functions.
- Before and after the President’s address to the nation over All India Radio.
When is mass singing of the National Anthem required?
Mass singing is required on occasions such as:
- The unfurling of the National Flag.
- Cultural or ceremonial functions (other than parades).
- Arrival and departure of the President at government or public functions.
Is playing the National Anthem mandatory at official functions?
- No, it is not mandatory. For instance, during a 2019 function in Madurai attended by the Prime Minister, Tamil Nadu Governor, and Chief Minister, the National Anthem was not played.
- A petition seeking punishment for not playing the anthem was dismissed by the Madras High Court. The court noted that the National Anthem’s use is customary and not mandated by law.
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NCERT Geography MCQs For UPSC Prelims Exams PDF
Monday, January 06, 2025
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