1) World No Tobacco Day celebrated on 31 May 2020

•The World Health Organization is celebrating the World No Tobacco Day every year since 1987 on 31st May. The World No Tobacco Day 2020 aware the public on the risks of using tobacco, the business practices used by the tobacco companies to attract youth, the efforts made by WHO to fight the tobacco epidemic, and how people around the world can claim their right to health and healthy living in order to protect future generations.
2) World Milk Day celebrated on 01st June

•The theme of World Milk Day 2020 is “20th Anniversary of World Milk Day”. It aims to encourage people to talk about the advantages of dairy with regards to health including nutrition, accessibility and affordability. It also emphasizes on the role played by dairy sector’s passion and commitment towards feeding our communities.
3) Global Day of Parents celebrated on 1st June

•The Global Day of Parents emphasizes on the critical role of parents in the rearing of children. The day was designated by the General Assembly in 2012 to honour all the parents throughout the world.
4) National “Artificial Intelligence Portal” of India launched

5) Ravi Shankar Prasad launches program “Responsible AI for Youth”

•National Program for the youth titled “Responsible AI for Youth” has been launched by the Union Minister for Electronics & Information Technology, Communications and Law & Justice, Ravi Shankar Prasad. The program has been launched to empower the youth of India with appropriate new age tech mind-set, hence making them digitally ready for the future. This program will provide students from Government schools pan India an opportunity to become part of the skilled workforce in an inclusive manner.
6) GoI approves Rs 445 crore for Chhatisgarh to implement JJM

•As per its plan for universal coverage of households, the government of Chhattisgarh has prioritised to focus on water scarce areas, SC/ ST dominated habitations/ villages, quality-affected areas, Sansad Adarsh Gramin Yojana villages, aspirational districts. It has also decided to give importance to water quality monitoring as well as surveillance. This step has been taken to overcome the issue of rapid ground water depletion and chemical contamination face by the state for a long time.
7) PR Jaishankar becomes Managing Director of IIFCL

8) Arun Singhal becomes Chief Executive Officer of FSSAI

•Arun Singhal is currently serving as the special secretary to the department of health and family welfare. FSSAI is the food regulatory in India which is in charge for setting up standards for the food industry and also to regulate the manufacturing, storage, distribution, sale, and import of foods. FSSAI comes under the purview of the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare.
9) Anita Kotwani becomes Chief Executive Officer of Carat India

•Taking over the new role of CEO, Anita Kotwani will work towards Carat India’s strategic progress and business growth nationally. She will help the media agency to deliver enhanced integrated solutions to clients by focusing on developing and leading significant tools as well as capabilities within the agency.
10) “My Life My Yoga” contest launched by PM Modi

•“My Life My Yoga” Video Blogging Contest aims on the transformative impact that Yoga have on the lives of individuals and intend to raise awareness about Yoga among the people worldwide. Hence, the contest is open to all participants across the world. The participants will be able to submit their entries via various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.