1) Goa becomes the 1st state to launch assessment tool for COVID-19

•The tool will then assist the person to take further steps by providing information on self-quarantine, helpline numbers to reach out to the concerned authorities. The tool is accessible in English, Konkani & Hindi and will also work on Smartphones.
•The online assessment tool enables a person to check themselves from their home, by answering questions like; Name, contact number, location, recent travel to high-risk countries, symptoms such as fever, cough, wheezing, and any health conditions such as diabetes, asthma, hypertension among others. Based on the answers, the tool states whether the individual is likely or not likely the suspect of COVID-19, as per the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)‘s guidelines.
2) IIT-Gandhinagar launches “Project Isaac” for students during Corona lockdown

•The project is inspired by Sir Isaac Newton, who was similarly sent home by Trinity College, Cambridge, because of the Great Plague of London in 1665. During this year, Newton, then a 22-year-old college student developed some of his most profound discoveries, including early calculus, as well as his theories of optics and gravity.
•As part of the project, four different competitions are being organized by IIT, Gandhinagar to cultivate new skills among students regarding writing, painting, coding, music, creative expression, and so on. Students can take part in competitions online. Nearly 40 per cent of IITGN students are already participating in various activities, which are entirely voluntary.
3) UN launches Global Humanitarian Response Plan to fight COVID-19

•The Global HRP has been launched for a period of nine months (April–December 2020). The response plan will be coordinated by the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and will bring together requirements from the World Health Organization and other UN humanitarian agencies.
•To kick-start the response plan, an additional $60 million from the UN’s Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF). This brings CERF’s support to humanitarian action in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to $75 million. In addition, country-based pooled funds have allocated more than $3 million so far.
The response plan will be implemented by UN agencies, with international NGOs and NGO consortia playing a direct role in the response. The Response plan will provide the following benefits:
•Deliver essential laboratory equipment to test for the virus, and medical supplies to treat people.
•Install handwashing stations in camps and settlements.
•Launch public information campaigns on how to protect yourself and others from the virus.
•Establish airbridges and hubs across Africa, Asia and Latin America to move humanitarian workers and supplies to where they are needed most.
4) Indian army Chief starts ‘Operation Namaste’ to combat COVID-19

•Indian Army has established 8 quarantine so far. Army has also issued guidelines for army men to keep themselves safe as it is difficult to maintain social distancing due to operational and tactical. All Army personnel to take prescribed precautions against the virus and assured soldiers and officers deployed along borders with Pakistan and China that special care is being taken of their families in the wake of the pandemic.
•General Naravane also conveyed to the families of the soldiers guarding India’s borders with Pakistan and China that the Army is taking care of its personnel serving the country in this difficult time. isolation wards are being set up at hospitals in formations along with the border areas besides launching communication campaigns for the soldiers and officials.
5) Moody’s cuts India’s GDP growth to 2.5% in 2020

•Moody’s Global Macro Outlook 2020-21, India will see a sharp fall in incomes at an estimated 2.5 per cent growth rate. Moody’s now expects real GDP in the global economy to contract by 0.5 per cent in 2020, followed by a pickup to 3.2 per cent in 2021.
6) CRISIL cuts India’s GDP growth forecast to 3.5% for FY2021

•CRISIL has reduced India’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth forecast for fiscal 2021 to 3.5 per cent from 5.2 per cent expected earlier. The cut is due to the coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic in India and the consequent lockdown for 21 days pose a material risk to our India economic outlook. The slump in growth will be concentrated in the first half of the next fiscal, while the second half should see a mild recovery.
7) Abbott Labs launches 5-minute coronavirus test

•The medical-device maker plans to provide 50,000 tests each day starting April 1. The technology builds on Illinois-based Abbott’s ID Now platform, the foremost common point-of-care test currently available within the U.S., with quite 18,000 units spread across the country. It is widely used to detect influenza, strep throat and respiratory syncytial virus, a common bug that causes cold-like symptoms.
•The equipment is often found out almost anywhere, but the corporate is functioning with its customers and therefore the Trump administration to make sure the primary cartridges wont to perform the tests are sent to where they’re most needed. They’re targeting hospital emergency rooms, urgent-care clinics and doctors’ offices.
8) NTPC concludes acquisition of govt’s stake in THDC & NEEPCO

•Under the deal, NTPC acquired the latter’s 74.496 % equity stake in THDC India Ltd (THDCIL) for Rs 7,500 crore & its 100% equity in North-Eastern Electric Power Corporation Limited (NEEPC) for Rs 4,000 crore respectively.
•The acquisition comes during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and declining tax collections will help bridge the gap between DIPAM’s (Department of Public Asset Management) disinvestment target of Rs 65,000 crore for the financial year 2020 & realization (a sale in order to obtain money), which has witnessed more than Rs 34,000 crore till February 2020.
9) SK Gupta and KM Prasad becomes new members of CBDT board

•Krishan Mohan Prasad is a 1984 batch IRS officer, serves as the head of Faceless e-Assessment scheme as first Principal Chief Commissioner of Income-tax, National e-assessment centre in Delhi. Satish Kumar Gupta is a 1984 batch IRS officer, serves as the Principal Chief Commissioner (PCCIT) of I-T (Income Tax) in Mumbai, Maharashtra & also served as Director-General of Investigation of Bhopal and Jaipur.
•Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) is the apex policy-making body of the Direct Tax department. It functions under the Department of Revenue of the Ministry of Finance.