1) 12th National Tribal Youth Exchange Programme begins in Puducherry

•The programme has been jointly organized by the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and Puducherry Government with a view to ensuring development and empowerment of the tribal youths. They will be visiting many places to know about the language, customs, culture, arts, dressing patterns, food pattern and other aspects of Puducherry.
2) Integrated Check-Post (ICP), Biratnagar inaugurated at India-Nepal border

•The ICP Biratnagar at Jogbani-Biratnagar border of India and Nepal, is furnished with the some modern facilities such as electronic weighbridges, fire safety, warehousing facilities including the refrigerated cargo, 24×7 monitoring through CCTV and public announcement systems. The post has also the capability of handling around 500 trucks per day.
3) 50th Annual Meeting of WEF begins in Davos

The Programme for the Annual Meeting will prioritize six key areas: ecology, economy, society, industry, technology, and geopolitics.
•Ecology: How to mobilize business to respond to the risks of climate change and ensure that measures to protect biodiversity reach forest floors and ocean beds.
•Economy: How to remove the long-term debt burden and keep the economy working at a pace that allows higher inclusion.
•Technology: How to create a global consensus on deployment of Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies and avoid a ‘technology war’.
•Society: How to reskill and upskill a billion people in the next decade.
•Geopolitics: How the ‘spirit of Davos’ can create bridges to resolve conflicts in global hotspots. Informal meetings to set kickstart conciliation.
•Industry: How to help business create the models necessary to drive enterprise in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. How to navigate an enterprise in a world exposed to political tensions and driven by exponential technological change as well as increasing expectations from all stakeholders.
These initiatives aim to plant more than one trillion trees over the next decade and to equip one billion people with the necessary skills in the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The welcome message was followed by the annual crystal awards and this year’s recipients included celebrity film star Deepika Padukone. She has been given the award for her leadership in raising mental health awareness. These awards are given to those cultural leaders, who are improving the state of the world through their contributions to inclusive and sustainable change.
4) 1st squadron of Sukhoi-30 MKI aircraft inducted by IAF

•The Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat and the Chief of Air Staff, Air Chief Marshal Rakesh Kumar Bhadauria inducted the squadron. The newly reinstated 222-squadron, also known as the Tigersharks, would serve as a lethal weapons platform capable of carrying both aerial and maritime roles in the Indian Ocean Region.
5) Union Sports Minister flag off ‘Fit India Cyclothon’ in Panaji

6) 2nd edition of NIC Tech Conclave-2020 begins today

7) Global Social Mobility Index 2020: An index to measure social mobility

•As per the Index, India ranked has 76th position with a score of 42.7, while Denmark topped the list. India is among the 5 countries namely: The United States(US), Japan and Germany, China which stands to gain most from boosting social mobility score.
•Social protection and fair wage distribution are the areas in which India needs improvement. It ranks 79th in both social protection and the fair wage distribution. India ranks 41st in lifelong learning while it ranks 53rd in working conditions. It has the second-highest level of workers in vulnerable employment behind Saudi Arabia.
8) Zomato acquires Uber Eats business in India