The HINDU Notes – 19th October 2019 - VISION

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Saturday, October 19, 2019

The HINDU Notes – 19th October 2019

📰 No separate national flag or constitution for Nagas, says interlocutor

National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah) is delaying the peace process, says R.N. Ravi, who is also Nagaland’s Governor.

•The Centre will conclude the Naga peace process by October 31 and there will be no separate national flag or constitution for the Nagas, interlocutor R.N. Ravi told The Hindu.

•Accusing National Socialist Council of Nagaland (Isak-Muivah) [NSCN-IM] of delaying the talks, Mr. Ravi said, “Endless negotiation under the shadow of guns is not acceptable.”

•Mr. Ravi said the NSCN-IM, with which the Centre signed a framework agreement on August 3, 2015 to find a solution to the Naga issue, had adopted a “procrastinating attitude to delay the settlement, raising the contentious symbolic issues of separate Naga national flag and constitution.”

•Mr. Ravi, who is also Nagaland’s Governor, said the Naga political movement belongs to the Naga people and the civil society groups had given their opinion clearly. He said a “mutually agreed draft comprehensive settlement, including all the substantive issues and competencies, is ready for inking the final agreement”, and it has the blessings of the Church.

•“Naga people are represented by their traditional tribal apex bodies, village headmen, civil society groups etc…. they have collectively taken a decision for the first time on one platform. We have a written endorsement from them to go ahead and conclude the peace process,” Mr. Ravi said.

•Asked if the peace deal would be signed without the NSCN-IM, Mr. Ravi said, “I would expect that since the Nagas have expressed their voice, the NSCN should heed the voice.”

Details shared

•On Friday, Mr. Ravi held detailed consultations for over three hours with the apex leadership of all the 14 Naga tribes of Nagaland, all the minority non-Naga tribes of Nagaland, the Nagaland GB Federation, the Nagaland Tribes Council, the Church leaders and civil society organizations in Kohima.

•Mr. Ravi shared the details of the 2015 framework agreement signed with NSCN-IM and the 2017 agreement signed with the armed Naga National Political Groups (NNPGs) with the delegation on Friday.

•“The two agreements do not mention any separate flag or constitution for the Nagas… NSCN-IM has been misleading and lying to the people. It only talks of power sharing. I read out the details in front of the civil society groups, they have made up their mind to conclude the process,” Mr. Ravi said.

•A statement issued by Mr. Ravi’s office said, “Political maturity and wisdom of the Naga leaders who expressed their overwhelming support in favour of a settlement without any further delay is deeply appreciated. Respecting the Naga people’s wishes, the Government of India is determined to conclude the Peace Process without delay. Endless negotiation under the shadow of guns is not acceptable.”

•NSCN-IM has been fighting for ‘Greater Nagaland’ or Nagalim — it wants to extend Nagaland's borders by including Naga-dominated areas in neighbouring Assam, Manipur and Arunachal Pradesh — to unite 1.2 million Nagas. Centre has said there will be no disintegration of Assam, Arunachal Pradesh and Manipur to merge the Naga inhabited areas with the existing State of Nagaland.

📰 Venezuela wins seat on UN Rights Council

It’s an embarrassment to UN, says U.S.

•Venezuela won a contested election for a seat on the UN Human Rights Council on Thursday despite a campaign by over 50 organisations and many countries opposed to Nicolas Maduro’s government and its rights record.

•There was scattered applause in the General Assembly chamber when its President announced the results of the voting for two Latin American seats. Brazil topped the ballot with 153 votes, followed by Venezuela with 105 votes and late entry Costa Rica with 96 votes.

•Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreaza called the vote “a victory” that followed “a fierce and brutal campaign by the United States ... and its subordinate nations”.

•U.S. Ambassador Kelly Craft called the placing of Maduro’s government on the council “an embarrassment to the United Nations and a tragedy for the people of Venezuela”.

•Philippe Bolopion, Human Rights Watch’s deputy director for global advocacy, called the election undeserved and “a slap in the face to the country’s countless victims who’ve been tortured and murdered by government forces.”

📰 Unresolved questions in a sordid episode

The CJI was exonerated of charge of sexual harassment, but there is no remedy yet for the complainant’s victimisation

•On April 19, 2019, a former member of the staff in the office of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) had sought an inquiry by the “senior retired judges” to “enquire into charges of sexual harassment and consequent victimization”. Subsequently, a committee of three judges exonerated the CJI of the charge of sexual harassment. Since the committee proceedings have not been made public, their reasoning and decision remain a mystery.

•Be that as it may, the charge of victimisation remains unanswered. On August 27, 2018, the woman was posted “to work at the R/O of Hon’ble Mr. Justice Ranjan Gogoi at 10 Tees January Marg, New Delhi with immediate effect”, but by an order of October 22, 2018, she was “posted to work in the Centre for Research and Planning with immediate effect”. This order was changed on November 22, 2018, so as to post her “to work in the library division”. Meanwhile, on November 19, 2018, she was issued a memorandum seeking explanation on her part for showing “lack of devotion to duty, indiscipline and insubordination”, and disciplinary proceedings were contemplated. On November 27, 2018, she was placed under suspension “until further orders” and was simultaneously served with a memorandum to hold an inquiry under the Supreme Court Officers and Servants (Conditions of Service and Conduct) Rules, 1961. The three charges levelled against her did not justify the ultimate action of her dismissal from service. The alleged incidents of impropriety took place around this time, according to the victim.

•On December 14, 2018, a request was made by an officer working in the Rajya Sabha Secretariat to “act as her Court Defence Assistant” in the inquiry. Without waiting in this regard, hearing took place on December 17, 2018, on which day the victim was moved to Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital from the Supreme Court premises with definite medical complications. Yet, the next day, the Registrar of the Supreme Court issued a show cause notice enclosing report of “enquiry officer”, prepared hurriedly to which a reply was submitted on December 20, 2018. But on December 21, 2018, the victim was dismissed from service.


•The narration of these events reflects high-handedness on the part of the Supreme Court against one of its Class III employees. This was followed by departmental action against the husband of the victim and his brother around the first week of January, 2019. Reportedly, SHO Tilak Marg took the victim and her husband to the CJI’s residence and made them apologise to his wife. On January 14, the brother-in-law of the victim, appointed by the CJI himself to a post in the Supreme Court on compassionate grounds, was dismissed. Later, a criminal complaint was lodged on March 3 by one Naveen Kumar of Haryana claiming that the victim had promised him a job in the Supreme Court demanding large sums and a part of it was paid by him in presence of a witness on June 2017. Clearly, this appeared to be a false complaint and in any case was raked up almost two years later as part of the efforts to pressure the victim. It is inconceivable that a Class III employee can promise a job in the Supreme Court and somebody would pay her money for the same. The police readily registered the FIR, arrested the victim on March 10, handcuffed and sent her to judicial custody on March 11. She was released on bail the next day.

•Curiously, this newly found complainant did not join the investigation after the registration of case and avoided summons issued by the Court. Ultimately, the complainant joined the investigation on September 5 and gave a written statement stating that he didn’t want the complaint to be proceeded with further. His statement was recorded, following which on September 6, the investigating officer submitted the final report in the court of CMM, Patiala House Court, Delhi, reporting clearly that “during investigation, nothing has been found to substantiate or corroborate the allegation of cheating, criminal conspiracy or criminal intimidation as initially alleged by complainant. Hence, a closure report has been prepared in this case”. He reaffirmed his statement on September 16 following which the Court passed the following order:“In view of the facts and circumstances, statement given by the complainant, and investigation conducted by the police in the present case, the closure report filed in the present case is hereby accepted.”

•So, the victim stands honourably discharged. On June 20, the victim’s husband and brother in law who were suspended earlier were reinstated. On July 11, the victim filed an appeal challenging her dismissal. As the punishment of dismissal was wholly disproportionate to the alleged charges, she was entitled to be reinstated in service. Yet, within 24 hours on July 12, she moved an application before the Supreme Court seeking to withdraw the appeal stating that “inadvertently certain documents have been omitted in aforesaid appeal. I wish therefore, to withdraw the said appeal and re-file”. Clearly, a hidden hand appears to be working behind this.

•Even overlooking the charge of sexual harassment, now that the committee of three judges has exonerated the CJI, victimisation is evident. Efforts are being made in a concerted manner to placate the victim which is evidenced by the revocation of suspension orders of her husband and brother in law and closure of criminal cases against her. But how will the nation compensate her for wrongful arrest, handcuffing and judicial custody, even if for a day?

•This episode hides more than what it reveals. Only a thorough investigation will bring out the truth including as to who set up the said complainant for alleging corruption against the victim. These are very disturbing issues and need a fierce and independent investigation. Perhaps, these events also indicate towards a possible attempt to pressure the victim to resile from her complaint of April 19, 2019, against the CJI alleging sexual harassment. The above events suggest that efforts may be afoot in this direction. Will they succeed? Only time can tell.

•One must remember that the CJI is the master of the roll and has as such distributed judicial work, including sensitive and political matters, to select Benches since October 2018 till date. How far his actions or inaction were influenced by this sordid episode, one will never know. This saga does no service to the Supreme Court, and to the administration of justice and to the rule of law. Therefore, one only hopes that other honourable judges of the Supreme Court will step in to stop further rot and to ensure justice to the victim.

📰 Monetary policy committee sees further slowdown in growth

Two external members warn of rising inflation expectations

•There could be more interest rate cuts by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) as some of the members of the monetary policy committee have observed that growth is yet to bottom out, even as two members pointed out rising inflation expectations.

•“This pronounced cyclical downswing suggests that the state of the economy will likely get worse before it gets better,” M.D. Patra, one of the internal members, said.

•The minutes of the October monetary policy of the RBI was released on Friday.

•The RBI had reduced interest rates by 25 bps in the policy meeting, taking the total rate cut since February to 135 bps.

•“High frequency data on indicators for estimating quarterly growth suggest that the growth slowdown may continue in the second quarter of 2019-20. Any substantial recovery is likely only in the Q3 of 2019-20,” external member R.H. Dholakia, who had voted for a 40 bps rate cut, said.

•Most members appreciated the government’s effort to revive the economy, particularly the move to cut corporate tax rate.

•“The government has also initiated several measures in recent months which, together with monetary easing by the Reserve Bank, are gradually expected to work their way through the real economy,” RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das said, adding that there was also a need to be watchful of the fiscal situation.

•Two external members, Pami Dua and Chetan Ghate, noted the rising inflation expectations.

•“Since the last review, there has been a 40 bps increase in the three month ahead inflation expectations of households [now at 8%], and a 20 bps increase in the level of one year ahead inflationary expectations [to 8.1%]. Households’ current perception of inflation also increased by 50 bps to 7.1%,” Mr. Ghate said.

•“While the actual inflation scenario and the outlook for inflation seem benign, some upside risks are prevalent, such as the possibility of supply disruptions in the global crude oil market,” Ms. Dua said.

•Retail inflation rose to a 14-month high of 3.99% in September due to costlier food items.