1) Air Force Day: 8th october

•On the occasion of 87th anniversary of Indian Air Force, a scintillating air display by various aircraft was organized as the hallmark of the Air Force Day Parade-cum-Investiture Ceremony. The display commenced with flag bearing skydivers of the famous AKASH GANGA Team dropping out of an AN-32 aircraft in their colourful canopies. Indian Air Force officers who participated in the Balakot airstrike, flew three Mirage 2000 aircraft and two Su-30 MKI fighter aircraft in Avenger formation during the event.
2) India receives 1st Rafale fighter jet built for Indian Air Force

•The RB in the aircraft designation stands for IAF Chief Air Chief Marshal R.K.S. Bhadauria who as then Deputy Chief of IAF led the Indian negotiation team and had a major role in the contract negotiations.
3) The Nobel Prize in Physics 2019

•James Peebles was honoured for his contributions to the understanding of the evolution of the Universe and Earth’s place in the cosmos. Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz were awarded the prize for finding 51 Pegasi b, a gas giant orbiting a star 50 light-years away. It was the first exoplanet to be discovered orbiting a star like our own.
•The prize committees are currently working carefully and independently to select the recipients of the 2019 Nobel Prize and the laureates for other fields: Chemistry, Literature, Peace Prize and the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. The recipient for above prizes will be announced as per the schedule between 9th to 14th October, 2019.
4) World Habitat Day: 7 October

•Theme for 2019: Frontier Technologies as an innovative tool to transform waste to wealth.
•This year’s Global Observance of World Habitat Day will be held in Mexico City.