1) India joins global antimicrobial resistance research hub

•India will be a member of the board of members of the hub from this year. India looks forward to working with all partners to leverage their existing capabilities, resources and collectively focus on new research to address drug-resistant infections. The hub supports global priority setting and evidence-based decision-making on the allocation of resources for AMR research and development through identification of gaps, overlaps and potential for cross-sectoral collaboration and leveraging.
2) Water found on potentially habitable super Earth K2-18b

•K2-18b, which is 8 times the mass of Earth, is now the only planet orbiting a star outside the Solar System, or ‘exoplanet’, known to have both water and temperatures that could be potentially habitable, according to the study published in the journal Nature Astronomy and the lead scientist of the research is Prof Giovanna Tinetti of University College London (UCL), United Kingdom.
3) Vietnam opens Southeast Asia’s largest solar power farm

•The complex was constructed on the Dau Tieng Reservoir the largest artificial lake in Vietnam and is expected to generate 10 per cent of the country’s solar energy to guarantee supply to 320,000 homes. It will also prevent the emission of 595,000 tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere every year.
4) Railway ministry signs MoU with CII

•The MoU was signed for Green Business Centre (GBC) of CII to extend technical co-operation for various green initiatives. It has developed a GreenCo Rating system to evaluate the various steps and rate them. GBC will also assess and certify 3 industrial units of the Railways and organise studies on energy efficiency.
5) Sri Lanka flags off Pulathisi Express, a ‘Make In India’ train

•The rake of the train was manufactured in the Integral Coach Factory (ICF) in Chennai. The train which has been inducted under an Indian Line of Credit has an on-board entertainment system, modular interiors and fully-rotating seats in Air Conditioned Chair cars for passenger comfort.
6) IFC signs MoU with FIDC for training NBFCs

•According to the agreement, the training programs for NBFCs would be conducted on “Commercial Credit Reporting” aimed at building the capacity of NBFCs to enhanced reporting and enquiring on Commercial Credit Information Data from the Credit Bureaus.
7) Times Higher Education released “World University Rankings 2020”

•As per the World University Rankings 2020, the University of Oxford is the number one university in the world for the fourth time in a row. The California Institute of Technology stands at the second place and the University of Cambridge fell to the third rank this year.
8) DRDO hands over second ‘Netra’ (AEWC) aircraft to IAF

•The Netra had played a stellar role during the Balakot airstrikes that had been carried out by the IAF in February this year. It provided surveillance and radar coverage to the five Mirage jets that bombed terror launch pads in Balakot in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakistan.
9) Indo-Thailand joint military exercise Maitree 2019

•About 100 Indian and Royal Thailand Army (RTA) soldiers will participate in the joint military exercise with an aim to share experience gained during a various counter-terrorism operation in their respective countries. The exercise ‘MAITREE’ is an annual training event which is being conducted alternatively in India and Thailand since 2006.
10) 5 Indian women police officers honoured by UN

1.Reena Yadav (Inspector Chandigarh Police)
2.Gopika Jahagirdar (DSP, Maharashtra Police)
3.Bharati Samantray (DSP, Ministry of Home Affairs)
4.Ragini Kumari (Inspector, Ministry of Home Affairs)
5.Kamal Shekhawat (ASP, Rajasthan Police)
The Indian women police officers received the UN medal at a medal parade in the United Nations Mission in Juba in South Sudan.