1) World Population Day: 11 July

•The United Nations observes 11 July every year as World Population Day. This year’s World Population Day calls for global attention to the unfinished business of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development.
2) Government waives duty on products imported for nuclear plants

3) MP Govt announces cow welfare fund, hikes Haj committee grant

•Allocation of Rs 8,000 crore has been made to waive loans of 20 lakh farmers of the state.
•The grants for the Madhya Pradesh Waqf Board and the Haj committee have been hiked.
•A grant of Rs 132 crore has been proposed for the welfare of cows.
4) “Operation Thirst” launched by RPF

•RPF launched “Operation Thirst” to crack down selling of unauthorised Packaged Drinking Water in the railway premises. During the operation, 1371 persons were arrested for selling of packaged drinking water of unauthorised brands.
5) Ukraine inaugurates world’s largest Metal Dome

6) 36th Meeting of the Central Apprenticeship Council (CAC)

7) 14th conference of Parties to be hosted by India

•Three crucial issues in this conference are desertification, land degradation and drought.
8) LinkedIn appoints Ashutosh Gupta as country manager for India

9) RBI panel moots changes in timings for foreign exchange market

•The extension of market timings is expected to provide benefits such as better pricing of post market hours information/data, improved onshore price discovery and a possible shift of offshore volumes to onshore.
10) Defence Ministry signs MoU with IPFC and NRDC

•The MoU will bridge the capacity shortfall and provide a major fillip to the ongoing efforts of the Defence Ministry towards promoting a culture of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights in the Defence industry.
•The aim of Raksha Gyan Shakti is to inculcate Intellectual Property culture in Indian defence manufacturing ecosystem.
11) “India-Myanmar: Exchange crucial information on drug trafficking