1) Record 78 women MPs elected to 17th Lok Sabha

•In the country’s first general elections in 1951, twenty-four women were elected to the Lower House, and since then, the number has been increasing.
2) Naveen Patnaik takes oath as Odisha CM for 5th term

•Odisha Governor Prof. Ganeshi Lal administered the oath of office and secrecy to Mr. Patnaik and his twenty councils of ministers. The council of ministers comprises 11 cabinet and nine state rank ministers.
3) Scott Morrison sworn in as Australia’s PM

•Also sworn in was Morrison’s revamped Cabinet, which includes a record seven women,and Australia’s first Aboriginal federal Cabinet member, Indigenous Affairs Minister Ken Wyatt, who wore a traditional kangaroo skin.
4) Sri Lanka signs tripartite agreement with India and Japan

•As per the agreement, Sri Lanka Port Authority (SLPA) will hold 51 percent majoritystake in the port development while Japan and India will have combined stake of 49 percent.
5) NSIC signs MOU with Ministry of MSME

•The Corporation projects to increase Revenue from Operation by 22% from Rs. 2540 crore in the year 2018-19 to 3100 crore in the year 2019-20.
6) US removes India, Switzerland from its currency monitoring list

•The Trump administration removed India from its currency monitoring list of major trading partners, citing certain developments and steps being taken by New Delhi addressing some of its major concerns. Switzerland is the other nation that has been removed from the list. However, the list includes China, Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Ireland, Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam among others.
7) RBI extends timings for RTGS from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm

•The customer is charged a ‘time-varying charge’ on each outward transaction in addition to the flat processing charge. The fee for transfers between 8 am to 11 am is nil, from 11 am to 1 pm is Rs 2, and from 1 pm to 6 pm is Rs 5. The fee for transfers made after the initial cut off of 6 pm will be Rs 10. The initial cut off for customer transactions will be 6 pm and the final cut off for inter-bank transactions will be 7:45 pm. The IDL reversal will take place between 7:45 pm and 8 pm.
8) India moves up to 43rd in competitiveness; Singapore tops chart

•Singapore has moved up to the top, from the third position last year, while the US has slipped to the third place in the 2019 edition of the IMD World Competitiveness Rankings. Hong Kong SAR has held onto its second place, helped by a benign tax and business policy environment and access to business finance.