How to prepare for UPSC CSE while working full-time? - VISION

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Thursday, November 09, 2017

How to prepare for UPSC CSE while working full-time?

UPSC CSE is one of the most reputed and toughest competitive tasks in India. Candidates spend almost 15-16 hours per day to prepare for the exam. Therefore, someone who is working full-time will always have doubts about attempting and preparing for his exam. However, the fact that there are many examples of working professionals who cracked the UPSC CSE indicates that with the right strategy, the goal can be achievable. This article will throw some light on UPSC preparation tips for working professionals. These tips are brought to you by Oliveboard, an online exam preparation platform for government and banking jobs.
One advantage that working professional has over the non-working ones is that they have their jobs as a fallback option. Therefore, unlike the rest, the working lot can stay away from the stress and pressure of clearing the exam. They can be relaxed and prepare with a stress-free mind for the exam.
If you are already working full-time, it might work as an advantage for you during the interviews. The interviewer will count you as one who is used to taking responsibilities and is contributing to the GDP of the country.
Clearing the UPSC CSE Exam while working full-time will also put you in a good light during your interviews. It will show the interviewer that you’re someone who takes up responsibilities, juggled multiple things at the same time and are contributing to the GDP of the country.Working and preparing for the exam at the same time is also a fulfilling experience.
Working professionals need to follow a more disciplined approach towards exam preparation as they do not have 15 hours a day to invest on studying. They will need to manage their time better and create study schedule that goes well with the on-going work schedule. Here are few tips to make your exam preparation more effective.
Time Management
As a working professional, you will have very little time at your disposal. You will need to make the best use of the time available. Reduce your social outings, make the most of breaks at workplace and utilize the weekends well for preparation.
Maintain notes of important formulas and points to remember. You can carry these to your workplace and revise during breaks. Also, do install a news app (eg. The Hindu Mobile App) on your phone to stay updated with the current affairs.
Study plan
Create a study plan and try to stick to it till the exam day.
·         Go through the UPSC CSE Syllabus
·         Break it down and make a list of all the topics you need to prepare
·         Divide these topics as per the time available for your preparation and assign time for each topic
·         Make sure you stick to your study plan and don’t let your topics pile up.
Collect all your study resources for your exam preparation. You can join a coaching center during weekends if you feel the need to complete the syllabus. As the study materials available for UPSC CSE will be huge, make it a point to rely on limited but good sources.
Measure your progress
The only way to know if you are making progress is to measure it periodically. Take UPSC CSE Online Mock Tests as many you can to track your improvement.
Mock tests will help you analyze your performance, identify your strong and weak areas. You can use this information to customize your study plan to focus more on your weak areas and improvise them.
There are many working professionals who have successfully cleared the UPSC CSE Examination while working full-time. All you need is a strong will, a good strategy and dedication. We hope this post will motivate you to give it a shot.

All the best!