1) HPCL, First Indian OMC to Launch Lubricants in Myanmar

•Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL) has become the first Oil Marketing Company (OMC) from India to mark its presence in the lubricant market in Myanmar and to lend more visibility and awareness to the brand.
•Having achieved the number one position in the domestic market, HP Lubricants sought to prove itself in foreign shore by venturing into Myanmar.
2) India-Sri Lanka JTE 'MITRA SHAKTI 2017' Started

•The fifth India-Sri Lanka Joint Training Exercise (JTE) MITRA SHAKTI 2017 started with a grand Opening Ceremony conducted at Aundh Military Station, Pune. The exercise is 14 Day long.
•The exercise is based on Counter Terrorist Operations and an Infantry company from both the countries is participating in the same. The Opening Ceremony commenced with an immaculate parade, followed by skill displays carried out by troops from both the countries.
3) US and Israel Withdraws from UNESCO

•The US and Israel announced their withdrawal from the UN’s cultural agency UNESCO after Washington accused it of anti-Israeli bias. The withdrawal of the United States, which is meant to provide a fifth of Unesco’s funding, is a major blow for the Paris-based organization.
•UNESCO is best known for designating World Heritage Sites such as the ancient city of Palmyra in Syria and the Grand Canyon National Park.
4) World’s Largest Combustion Research Centre Inaugurated at IIT Madras

•The world’s largest combustion research center was inaugurated at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT-M) in Tamil Nadu. The National Centre for Combustion Research and Development (NCCRD) was inaugurated by NITI Aayog member VK Saraswat.
•The establishment of the center will give a major boost to the Indian scientific community and will provide an impetus to research in ‘Alternative Energy and Environmental Protection’ by focusing on effective utilization of combustion as a means of thermochemical energy conversion.
5) France’s Audrey Azoulay to be Next UNESCO Chief

•UNESCO’s executive board chose former French Culture Minister Audrey Azoulay to be the UN cultural agency’s next leader.
•Azoulay succeeds outgoing Director-General Irina Bokova of Bulgaria. She was in the post since the last eight-years.
6) Union Minister Launched Sampoorna Bima Gram Yojana

•Communications Minister Manoj Sinha launched the Sampoorna Bima Gram (SBG) Yojana and an initiative for expansion of clientele base of Postal Life Insurance (PLI). Under Sampoorna Bima Gram (SBG) Yojana, at least one village (with min. 100 households) will be identified in each of the revenue districts of the country. Coverage of all households is the primary objective of this scheme.
•Under the scheme for expansion of PLI, benefits of Postal Life Insurance (PLI) will no more be confined to government and semi-government employees, but will also be available to professionals such as doctors, engineers, management consultants, charted accountants, architects, lawyers, bankers etc.
7) Esther Staubli, First Female Referee to Officiate at U-17 World Cup

•Switzerland's Esther Staubli has become the first female referee to officiate a match at the FIFA U-17 World Cup. She was the referee in the match between Japan and New Caledonia in the final round group E match.
•This is in line with FIFA's objective to further develop women's football as the 38-year-old is one of seven women referees invited to the tournament in India.
8) M K Sanu Chosen for Mathrubhumi Literary Award

•Eminent critic, biographer and orator M K Sanu has been chosen for the Mathrubhumi Literary Award for 2016 in recognition of his rich contribution to the Malayalam literature.
•The award carries a cash prize of Rs 2 lakh, a citation, and a statuette.