- Mahars is schedule caste community from which Ambedkar belong
- In 1818 there was third Anglo-Maratha war in which this community takes part from Britain site due to oppression from Brahmin raj or Maratha raj.
- Third Anglo-Maratha war has ended up Maratha empire
- Third Battle of the Panipat fought between Maratha and Ahmad Shah Abdali.
- At the time of Peshwa Bajirao-I and Shivaji Mahara community took participation in army but relation turned bitter after death of the Peshwa Bajirao-I.

- The 350th Prakash Parv(also Prakash Utsav) or birth anniversary of Guru Gobind Singh ji is to be celebrated in January 2017 in Patna by sikh community in the remembrance of the 10th sikh Guru Gobind Singh.
- 2017 is the year of the 350th anniversary of the 10th Sikh Guru, a spiritual master, warrior, poet and philosopher.

- Indian government has to spend more money over defense sector because past year experience in national security and transformation of China from opportunity.
- Trump policy is negative toward china because of intervention of in the Taiwan but if U.S wants to fight firmly with China then cooperation from India needed most.
- China’s ocean expansion policy has peaceful movement toward new power gathering as ocean will be medium for connection of country after globalization like trans-pacific partnership policy.

- India and China relation turning new pages through nuclear supplier group nod to China-Pakistan Economic Corridor in PoK.
- Global terror tie also motivate world for cooperation which can be seen in the form of the ties between U.S and Russia.
- UN committee 1267 sanctions any funding to terror group despite that many country use terror group for proxy war.
- China’s interest in central Asia with maritime silk road project now ready to discussion with Taliban that is innovative step to tackle terrorism because you can kill Osama-bin-Laden but not idea of terrorism because behind every terror group there is story of the oppression but result of this consensus depend on how long relation exist.

- After short time peace Cauvery problem again raise the issue of the water sharing
- This issue rise again because of the failure of the north east monsoon which has effect on Tamil nadu, eastern Karnataka, southern Andhra Pradesh, part of Kerala and Andaman Island.
- Failure of north east monsoon attributed to high temperature of Bengal Sea which disturbed pressure pattern.
- Kaveri issue is result of lack of National Water Policy up gradation and implementation.

- Justice Jagdish Singh Kehar being senior most judge sworn in as 44th Chief Justice of India by president.
- He is known for firm and decisive approach toward case. Also scrap NJAC law on matter of judicial supremacy and sovereignty.

- Ken Betwa river linking project is first project under interlinking plan.
- Benefit of this project will be taken by people of Bundelkhand which is most drought affected area on border of UP and Madhya Pradesh
- Hurdle of this project is as follows:
- Panna Tiger Reserve will submerge.
- Finance to this vast project.
- Rehabilitation problem of tribe inhabiting there.
- Cooperation between inter-state and center-state.
- 10,000 crore project is big amount for state to accept proposal as they have to contribute 40 % of the cost.

- State media of the china stated that now world work shop transforming from china to india
- Because one child policy decrease labor supply and increase labor rate
- After mechanization of the manufacturing still labor plating big.
- So what India now can do is welcome investment and provides skill labor force that can work at low rate.

- Telecom regulatory authority issued second consultation paper for the policy formulation on net neutrality.
- Net neutrality means internet service provider should give same speed and charge uniform amount irrespective which web they access.
- Net neutrality also saves start up unit because everyone have equal level playing field for the business.

- In today’s world problem with public institute is not finance at all but honest utilization of it.
- Government should not consider only economic portion while spending money or bidding but quality of work also matter the most.
- Good intention defines use of public money but there are also circumstances in which good intention turned into negative result.
- Public fund should be used in effective, economic and efficient manner.