- Pravasi Bhartiya divas being held in the remembrance of Mahatma Gandhi return from South Africa to India in 1915.
- This year Pravasi Bhartiya Divas to be held in Bangalore with theme of social innovation.
- Social innovation means unique solution of social problem and contest will be there. And winner will get Pravasi Bharatiya Samman (Overseas Indian Honour/Award).

- In India malnutrition led to less capability to learn, less immune strength, and less expected life this all start with lack of nutrition in mother because mother given meal in the last because many reason and got lower quality food.
- Last meal scenario > less weight in pregnancy > less weight of child > less breast feeding > less weight baby > malnutrition.

- Due to irregularities in the administration in cricket and IPL scam led to appointment of the justice Lodha committee.
- Lodha committee report gives major recommendation like one state one vote, officer and politician not to be head etc.
- Panel given recommendation not accepted by BCCI so SC has ruled over it with the help of contempt of court.

In the historical judgment supreme court said that to seek vote on the name of the religion its illegal practices under article 123 of peoples representation act.
- Religious diversity with illiteracy and various definition of the religion led to religion based election campaign.
- This also led to extremist activity and terror attack due to exploitation of some sentiment
How to avoid this practices is problem of the day:
- implementation of RPA
- ban none secular party
- state or party have to avoid religious festival bias
- secular education to be given
- code of conduct should be implemented in letter and spirit

- Ordinance having exception now becoming rule as more and more power being used under this provision.
- Under article 123 laid down power of president and governor to promulgate ordinance that have same effect of legislature.
- Ordinance can only be present when either house is not in session and have to passed in 6 week of reassembly.
- Recently increasing trend of the ordinance power supreme court guide that council of minister has responsibility toward legislature so supreme court given judicial review on what is intention of this move
How to avoid this Ordinance raj?
- repeal provision of ordinance.
- if council can not passed ordinance as in legislation when it resemble then council should resign.
- Proposed special court means district session powered court for stopping log-jam in judicial process.
- This log-jam is due to staff and infrastructure deficit led to overburden of the cases.
- Special Court Act also proposed some time ago with different name like Gram nyalaya and Lok adalat.
But the problem areas under:
- infrastructure of special court
- legislative backing needed
- formulation of organization
- information management

Consumer affairs department given direction to that if hotel not providing good services then consumer can deny for service charge which is as high as 15 % of total amount.
Consumer Protection Act 1986 stated for national, state and district consumer protection council.

- Madhya Pradesh once home for tiger now converting into evil tit because 33 tiger killed in 2016 in M.P. alone.
- Major reason for death is inter fighting and electrification in addition to railway
- Panna Tiger Reserve also have threat from river interlinking of Ken-Betwa rivers.

- Striped hyena cub survived after lots of trial at Visakhapatnam.
- Stripped hyena important as it is listed as near threatened species under IUCN.
- This exercise done with captive breeding means breeding in artificial controlled situation with the help of animal doctor.

- Agni-IV launched successfully by DRDO. It is long range ballistic missile.
- It is surface to surface missile launched from Abdul Kalam Island [ former wheeler island] in Odisha.
- It is managed with solid propellant fuel.

- Appointment of the new chief in army led to obstacle in army management and issue in national security.
- This appointment also break the tradition of hierarchical appointment and also in army all officer have equal position for spirit.
- Politicization of the army or appointment with political intention led to biggest concern as army chief had to work with neutrality and strategist decision making.

- Urban land becoming engine of the growth but without inclusive and accessible sustainable means no strategy will become reality.
- Urban development start with planning because without it we can not work in our full capability like during last 10 year 43 % work only completed under JnNURM.
- Approach should be area based development then project based development like health, security, education etc.